Monday, February 17, 2014

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality seems like it's sticking around the advertising world. The trick, of course, is how to make it useful. Most seem to use it incorrectly. How many people are going to wave their phone in front of the Shrek 6 poster to watch a character do a dance. It can, however, be very useful.

One of my favorite applications for augmented reality is for Their augmented reality app allows the user to virtually dress their own windows with different products. Simple, but affective.

Parallax scrolling and storytelling

It's been around since 2011, but Parallax scrolling is going to stick around as long as the design serves the campaign's story. It would be nice to learn more about Parallax scrolling in class. 

Here's a great example, the making of Life of Pi:

Responsive Design Trends

Responsive Design Trends

Utilizing design tools like hamburger nav icons and off canvas panals can hlep optimize content for mobile designs. Definitions for design templates (tablet, phone, computer screen) will fall apart soon with the rise of google watches, glasses, and other devices.

Interactive Mirrors

Interactive Mirrors

Part of our redesign for Barnes and Noble involves interactive mirrors. It’s pretty entertaining and ingenious stuff. The interactive mirror seen in this youtube video could exist in a Barnes and Noble as is, or you could redesign it to fit themes from popular children’s book. Either way, everyone loves looking at themselves and drawing stuff with their fingers. It’s a win win.

Ownership vs. Access

For the Sapient Nitro project, one of our cornerstone ideas is that media consumption is moving towards access rather than ownership. Basically one day, people will access any book they want, any time they want through a membership, much like Spotify and Netflix.